Our Mission
We seek to improve our local bee populations by keeping Russian honey bees, which are very resistant to bee diseases and pests. The male bees, also called drones are able to go into other hives without being attacked, and as such, any wild queens, or even other kept-queens in the area that go out for a mating flight, can benefit from the genetic strengths of our Russian drones to their hives. Our bees are more tolerant of the cold and more active during cooler weather where the more common species are not. They also are more active during overcast and drizzly days, of which we have many here in this area. As such, they are superior pollinators, and more industrious workers than their contemporary counterparts. Such strong hardiness in these bees will be felt by our community in the strengthening of other hives, improved pollination to local flora and of course in the production of a superior honey which you can taste.
What's in a Name?
Our name, Alchembee, is a multitiered word play. On the one hand, the word can be broken up into AL, the initials of our state, Chem, short for chemistry and the science that backs our bees and their products, and of course Bee, the stars of this operation; the bees themselves. It is also a reference to the ancient art and science of Alchemy, which was, and is, a sacred science seeking to understand and know the design and majesty of the Divine in Nature, and walk with it in the proverbial garden that is our world. In that spirit of reverence, and ever humbly striving towards harmony and health and the knowledge to obtain and produce the same, we are Alchembee.